
A.jpeg A.png → A.zip
C.2.jpeg C.2.png → C.2.zip
use AppleScript version "2.4"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"

tell application "Finder"
set aSel to the selection as alias list
if aSel = {} then return

set aParent to (container of (item 1 of aSel)) as alias
set POSIXaParent to POSIX path of aParent

set aList to {}
repeat with i in aSel
set aFile to contents of i
set the end of aList to (name of aFile)
end repeat
copy aList to cList

set cList to sort1DNumList(aList, true) of cocoaSortKit

set eList to {}
repeat with j in cList
set pathString to (current application's NSString's stringWithString:(contents of j))
set newPath to pathString's stringByDeletingPathExtension() as string
set aExt to pathString's pathExtension() as string

if (length of cList) > 0 then
set the end of eList to merge(cList, newPath, aExt) of me
end if
end repeat

set fList to uniquifyList(eList) of me
zips(fList, (POSIXaParent)) of me
end tell

on merge(bbList as list, aName, aExt)
set aLen to (length of aName)
set bList to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (length of bbList)
set pathString to (current application's NSString's stringWithString:((item i of bbList)))
set newPath to (pathString's stringByDeletingPathExtension() as string)
if (item i of bbList) begins with aName and (length of aName) = (length of newPath) then
set the end of bList to (item i of bbList)
end if
end repeat
return bList
end merge

on zips(ccList, POSIXaParent)
tell application "Finder"
set parentFolder to (POSIXaParent) as POSIX file as alias
tell folder parentFolder
if not (exists folder "zips") then
make new folder at parentFolder with properties {name:"zips"}
end if
end tell
end tell
set outputDir to POSIXaParent & "zips/"

repeat with i in ccList
set pathString to (current application's NSString's stringWithString:(item 1 of (contents of i)))
set aName to pathString's stringByDeletingPathExtension() as string
set curDelim to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "' '"
set aStr to (contents of i) as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to curDelim
set aStr to "'" & aStr & "'"
do shell script "cd " & quoted form of (POSIXaParent) & "; zip " & quoted form of (outputDir & aName & ".zip") & " " & aStr
on error msg
display alert msg
end try
end repeat
end zips

on uniquifyList(aaList as list)
set aArray to current application's NSArray's arrayWithArray:aaList
set bArray to aArray's valueForKeyPath:"@distinctUnionOfObjects.self"
return bArray as list
end uniquifyList

script cocoaSortKit
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
use framework "AppKit"
property parent : AppleScript

--1D List(数値)をsort / ascOrdertrueだと昇順ソート、falseだと降順ソート
on sort1DNumList(theList as list, aBool as boolean)
tell current application's NSSet to set theSet to setWithArray_(theList)
tell current application's NSSortDescriptor to set theDescriptor to sortDescriptorWithKey_ascending_(missing value, aBool)
set sortedList to theSet's sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:{theDescriptor}
return (sortedList) as list
end sort1DNumList
end script


inserted by FC2 system